Brand Identity, Print & Packaging Design
The Egyptians were Eximios joiners, furniture was not only beautiful, it was also functional. The bétula is a type of wood used by the Egyptians and used in all aspects of the manufacture of furniture. What you dream, it'll probably be decorated or made with the wood of bétula. Founded in early 2016, the bétula was born with promisssa to deliver unique furniture with high durability and strength. Operating in a fairly saturated market, the choice for the manufacture of bespoke furniture was one assertive alternative.
Since the beginning of its operations, the position established by the bétula was fulfilled: fast delivery of mobile and total fidelity to the technical project. These columns were also used to build the tag. Adding to also key attributes: comfort, style and practicality. The choice of symbol originated with the study of the essence of wood: the growth rings. From this point, it elaborated a constructive grid rings that overlap with other 3 rings, which represemtam together the attributes of the brand. Mold generated by superimposing then there is the symbol of the bétula mark.


Project built under the client's business pillars. The creation of the Bétula brand was born before moving on to the paper, the insight came abou Read More
