We turned cricket world cup into a world cup between the snacks these countries love.
Got users to select the snack that represents each of the ten finalists of the T20 Cricket World Cup.
While the husbands are glued to the television during the IPL cricket series, we gave something to the women of the house to enjoy side-by-side. A tambola game using the scorecard.

Album created to celebrate women and different roles they play in our lives.
Users were asked to share pictures of friends they share McCain snacks with. The best pictures were used in the video we created below.
Using pictures users shared with us, we created a video to highlight the fact that McCain was made for every occasion. This video was released on International French Fries Day.
McCain is one of the oldest clients at Maxus India. Apart from the monthly posts, we wanted to do something extra for them as a token of our appreciation for the great relationship we’ve had so far. So, on Rakhshabandhan we created a heartwarming video for McCain to celebrate the bond between brothers and sisters. With zero budget, we ideated, scripted, designed and executed the video in-house. The video got over 2.5K Likes on Facebook, with many users sharing the video with their siblings on an apt day like Rakhi.



Social media projects for McCain.
