Julia Karpova's profile

Diploma project "Abstraction of the 21th centurie"

"Abstraction of the 21th centurie".
Pattern for silk
The theme: the pattern for silk and kerchiefs on the theme “The cold abstraction”.
The task: the development of patterns in line with the fashion trends on the basis of the given topic.

The theme and the direction of the graduation work were choosen by myself in line with my taste and preferences.
The starting point was Absrtaction of the first quarter of the 20th century, or to be more exactly the one of its narrow areas “The cold abstraction”.

The cold abstraction (logical, intellectual abstractionism) - the flow in abstract art, that was based on a combination of flat painted geometric shapes, color planes, lines and polylines.

I also used other sources for insripation like: pixel art and kaleidoscope. In such a way the patterns became modern incarnation of geometric abstraction of the 20th century.

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"The structure of the Red"

 "The meadow"


 Pattern for silk kerchief 90х90cm

“Geometry of a kaleidoscope”

“Structure of the color”

“The shards of a kaleidoscope”
Pattern for silk kerchief 90х90cm
Diploma project "Abstraction of the 21th centurie"

Diploma project "Abstraction of the 21th centurie"

Pattern for silk on the theme "Abstraction of the 21th centurie"


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