When we look around most Indian cities, we encounter resonances of the past in the sometimes decrepit, sometimes beautifully preserved remnants of old building, in the ceremonies, the food, the way people live.

My project is an illustrated book which will walk you down the memory lanes of Lucknow. It gives you a glimpse of the town's resplendent past and evolving present.

It is an attempt to give voices to some of those striking and splendid structures that have stood like mute spectators and witnessed the centuries. Yet with changes in culture, these buildings have changed to remain socially relevant. History shows objects and social activities play a pivotal role in lending a distinctive cultural character to any society. So, in order to replicate the quintessential character of each era and it's particular setting, I have illustrated an array of significant objects and activities corresponding to every monument during each phase of transition.

Below are a few illustrated pages from the book.
Lasting Legacies

Lasting Legacies

An illustrated book about the changing social relevance of some of the monuments in the city of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh.
