Ralf Breninek's profile

Automotive animation with Cinema 4D and Octane

Client: Personal interest
Service: Creative direction, art direction, illustration, partially modelling, lighting, animation, compositing, grading, cut
Software: Cinema 4D, Octane, X-Particles, After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator

This time I wanted to focus more on the workflow in general. But I was also able to dive deeper into Octane materials, motionblur and render optimizations, as well as preparations for a better post production workflow and x-particles. I still prefer to work with the #Cinema4d plugin version of Octane but might as well do some tests with it´s standalone version for network rendering in the future…

Concept and visuals / motion design by pixelasm.com | facebook.com/pixelasm | twitter.com/RalfBreninek

Thanks for their critique:
Benedikt Stücken
Fritz Gnad feezenfreezen.de
Johannes LDC Guerreiro visualoverkill.de
Matthias Wutschke wutschke.net
Werner Breninek
Automotive animation with Cinema 4D and Octane

Automotive animation with Cinema 4D and Octane

Testing indoor and outdoor scenes with Octane for Cinema 4D
