This mural is painted on a temporary facade protecting the new storefronts are under construction on the corner of Telegraph Ave. And Haste St. in Berkeley, California.
The mural wraps around two sides of the building and is approximately 150 feet long by 10 feet high. This bold, isometric line-art city is loosely inspired by the city of Berkeley, but is mostly a fantasy land with giant salads and sandwiches (foreshadowing of the restaurant to come) scattered all through town. I did an illustration to scale and then used it as the basis of the final painting, which I painted by hand with brushes and house paint over the course of three and a half days.

Shot of me working on the piece:
These are the original illustrations that painting was based of off:
You can visit the mural in Berkeley while it is still up in 2016:
Salad Town Mural

Salad Town Mural

Large outdoor isometric mural in Berkeley, California.
