UX Design, UI Design, Flex Development
I designed and built this old Flex portfolio not only to showcase my work, but also to act as a piece itself. I own everything in it, and therefore can share everything in it - from the personæ I developed to the actual source-code of this site. That's right - I've made my entire portfolio source-code available for download. This way you can not only see how I design, but also how I develop. You'll find original code and extended code. Feel free to download it and to review my coding prowess, use it in your own projects or both! All I ask is that you let me know that you've found it useful by dropping me a line, and possibly a link to the project you used it in.

To view the project (which is not kept up-to-date anymore) visit  brandonebward.com
screenshot of final result
basic research, personæ, requirements etc.
early sketches to figure out how I wanted to lay it out
wireframe (actually laid out in Flex using the wireframe skin so I could iterate quickly and move into production faster)
hi-res mockup made in Adobe Illustrator
a mockup of the popup when you click a project


I designed and built this Flex portfolio not only to showcase my work, but also to act as a piece itself. I own everything in it, and therefore c Read More
