Bruxelles ma belle - Brussels my darling
Brussels is my favorite city. I've always loved this city for numerous reasons: it has so many different neighborhoods, each with its own culture and history. There is always something to do (theaters, free concerts, numerous museums, markets ... ), and Brussels has so many nice little bars and pubs which are all equally unique. Brussels posseses an incredible amount of buildings that are not only very beautiful, they are also part of the daily life of the "Brusselaers". Old mansions where students casually live and party, art-nouveau buildings that have been turned into pop-up concert venues and bars, hundred year-old pubs that didn't change a bit since their opening. Brussels has it all! You only need to look upwards to capture these countless and beautiful buildings, all of which are part of the history of Brussels. Therefore: Bruxelles ma belle!
Bruxelles ma belle


Bruxelles ma belle

Brussels and her iconic buildings.
