Project: Signposting Willem de Kooning Academy Open Day

Assignment: Investigate the structure of a complexbuilding; how is the signposting? Is it accessable? Clear? Afterdiscovering what is working and what are common erros with signposting,design the signposting for the Academy Open Day.

After a few brainstorm sessions, sketching and developping of the logo and signs/icons this is my result.
Once I'd presented it, my design got picked (together with Thijs deJong's version) which we eventually combined and turned into the hand-out (A3 format) which every visitor received after entering the Academy.

The project included the inlay of the hand-out, the signs and the A0,A1 and A2 posters around the two Academy buildings. The main goal wasto make people aware of where they were, as in the meantime they'denjoy the admosphere. Without being (re)directed to much.
These are some A1 and A2 posters. Showing you on what floor you wereon. And how you got from building A to building B. These posters weremade for the second Open Day the 23rd of januari 2010.


signposting design for willem de kooning academy (wdka) in rotterdam, open day
