S.W.I.M's profile

Tricking 2009

My new Tricking album from 2009.

What is Tricking?
Tricking (martial arts tricking) is the informal name of a relatively new underground alternative sport movement, combining martial arts, gymnastics, and other activities to create an "aesthetic blend of flips, kicks, and twists."[1] Tricking incorporates a variety of moves from different arts such as flips from gymnastics, 540 kick from Taekwondo, butterfly twist from Wushu and double leg from Capoeira. Tricking is recognizable by its flashy kicks, complex flips and twists, and its highly stylized movements which separate it from other arts. An individual who practices tricking is typically referred to as a "trickster" or "tricker".

Michał Chmiel
Adam Bocheński
Maciej Kwiatkowski
Piotr Długosz
Tricking 2009