Jennifer Giesler's profile

Daily UI - 100 UI Design Challenges

Daily UI
User Interface Design
Solutions to 100 different daily user interface (UI) design challenges. Each challenge got delivered by e-mail five days a week, and I saved them all in folder until I found down time. Through these exercises/challenges, I was able to create designs without any limitations (client, budget, time), and got to experiment with typefaces I wouldn't have normally picked, learned how to use Sketch, and have a bit more fun with my designs.

Sign up for the Daily UI Design challenge here.

Last Update: 05/15/17
Day 001 - Sign Up
Day 002 - Credit Card Checkout 
Day 003 - Landing Page
Day 004 - Calculator
Day 005 - App Icon
Day 006 - User Profile
Day 007 - Settings
Day 008 - 404 Page
Day 009 - Music Player
Day 010 - Social Share
Day 011 - Error/Success Flash Message
Day 012 - E-Commerce Shop (Single Item)
Day 013 - Direct Messaging
Day 014 - Countdown Timer
Day 015 - On/Off Switch
Day 016 - Popup/Overlay
Day 017 - Email Receipt
Day 018 - Analytics Chart
Day 019 - Leaderboard
Day 020 - Location Tracker
Day 021 - Home Monitoring Dashboard
Day 022 - Search
Day 023 - Onboarding
Day 024 - Boarding Pass
Day 025 - TV App
Day 026 - Subscribe
Day 027 - Dropdown
Day 028 - Contact Us
Day 029 - Map
Day 030 - Pricing
Day 031 - File Upload
Day 032 - Crowdfunding
Day 033 - Customize Product
Day 034 - Car Interface
Day 035 - Blog Post
Day 036 - Special Offer
Day 037 - Weather
Day 038 - Calendar
Day 039 - Testimonials
Day 040 - Recipe
Daily UI - 100 UI Design Challenges

Daily UI - 100 UI Design Challenges

Solutions to 100 different daily user interface (UI) design challenges. Each challenge got delivered by e-mail five days a week, and I saved them Read More
