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Olympian Gods logos

APHRODITE - swan, dove, roses
APOLLO - lyre, laurel tree, sun
ARTEMIS - deer, bow, arrows
ATHENA - owl, tree, olive
DEMETER - torch, bread, wheat
DIONYSUS - vine, ivy, cup
HADES - pomegranade, cypress, horn
HEPHAESTUS - quail, hammer, ax
HERMES - caduceus, talaria
HESTIA - sacred fire, donkey
POSEIDON - trident, sea, dolphin
ZEUS - thunder, eagle, oak tree
12 pictogramas representando los dioses griegos del Olimpo, con sus respectivos atributos.

12 pictographs representing the Olympian greek god, with their respective attributes.
Olympian Gods logos

Olympian Gods logos
