Belvedere (:structure/:beautiful view)  is series of experiments and research on whether forces, in relation with natural elements, can generate space. It is a process by which the small acts of individuals are studied and taken care of, so that they by ordinary actions of nature – wind and water (ice) on one hand, feathers on the other –create space. And it is more complex that any other kind of order since it cannot be created by decision, or designed in the early stages, or be predicated by a plan. It is the combination of millions of cells coming together and fitting each other precisely. It is a fresh approach to architecture and making structures and it intends to offer a complete working alternative to our present ideas about architecture, building, and forming – an alternative which will, I hope, gradually inspire ways of thinking that will modify current ideas and practices.
A structure, just like a feather, can be unpredictable. 


Belvedere is series of experiments and research on whether forces, in relation with natural elements, can generate space.
