Gender marketing is at the forefront of almost everything we see and do, from when we were young it continues to grow just as we do, becoming more and more subjective as the time passes.
Because it is something that we view on a daily basis, we as humans have become immune to it, not noticing the effects that it essentially has on us. This can be seen particularly in children and the very specific toys that they are given.  As ‘boys’ toys are very masculine, they learn to be loud and more hands on, where as ‘girls’ toys are very small in intricate, hence teaching them fine motor skills and more social skills. As well as this, the introduction of gender based toys from a young age, evidently defines what is acceptable and unacceptable for both males and females, in regards to career paths, clothing, future roles and home duties.
Why is it that the kitchen toys you see in the toy shop are all painted shades of pink, but the diggers and toy cars are painted bright and fun uni-sex colours? Isn’t this just continuing to portray the stereotype that a women’s place is in the kitchen? I thought we moved passed this when Germaine Greer burnt her bra.
We need to take a stand and say no to buying gender based toys, making society a better place and abolish gender stereotypes. 
A Toy is a Toy

A Toy is a Toy

Gender marketing is at the forefront of almost everything we see and do, from when we were young it continues to grow just as we do, becoming mor Read More
