Oleksandr Otsabera's profile

White and Red 5-inch toys

Toy Design
Hi everybody. I am a Patient No.6. I am interested in troubleshooting creative people trough psychiatry and psychiatry in general. Under the intense influence of these horrible things I’ve created a Patient No.6 and today I ask you to help me with the project “White and Red”. These are six 5-inch toys
1. the first toy is named - Scull of Patient No.6
2. the second toy is named Gagarin in Rocket
3. the third toy is named - “Patient No.6 in car”
4. afourth toy is named – “Doctor”
5. afifth toy is named-“Patient No.6 Rabbit mask”
6. and a sixth toy is named-“Patient No.6 after lobotomy”
These figures are completely different from those, which you see in the world of designer toys every day. Then, as one famous person said – there is something inside and something outside. And Patient No.6 – is something inside.
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Here LINK for pre-order on indiegogo.com
White and Red 5-inch toys

White and Red 5-inch toys

Six 5-inch designer toys


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