Project consists of three parts:
-letter form design based on a existing font (vinyl cutted stickers, 2'x 3'') 
-button design (1'x 1")
-promotional poster design (12'x18")

绿(lv) is the Chinese word for "Green, Emerald, to Afforest". This project focuses on the idea of living in a modern city where natural lives thrive secretly in their own way. It's more about promoting a concept than to make people do a certain thing. 

The goal is to create a "street sign" for nature and to orient ourselves with it in a disoriented, modern world. (Inspiration from Sarah Sze's Triple Point (2012))


EMAC Final Project 绿 is the Chinese word for "Green, Emerald, to Afforest". This project focuses on the idea of living in a modern city where na Read More


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