Colorwise is a physical game and exploration concept that aims to create awarness about digital color theory. More spiecifically, the RGB color system. Through a tangible interface of three cylinders, you mix different combinations of red, green and blue. This is done with water which works as a metaphor for digital data. By rearranging the water, a feedback of aesthetic visual and audio is experienced. 
Today a lot of work that includes color is done on a computer. When we want a specific color exact, we don't have to worry about mixing the right color, we simly choose the one we want from a digital color palette.
However, thus the color mixing process isn't visible for us, it still happens in the cimputer. Understanding how the computer works with colors, and creates visual experience for us can be hard to grasp. 
Color Exploration 
One way to use Colorwise is by testing your knowledge or RGB color theory in a color mixing challenge. You get dealt a random color on a screen, which you have to match within a time limit. You win when the right combination of red, green and blue is arranged in the cylinder. 

Color Challenge
Another way to use Colorwise is by testing your knowledge of RGB color theory in a color mixing challebge. You get dealt a random color on a screen, which you have to match within a time limit. You win when the right combination of red, green and blue is arranged in the cylinder.

The color mixing challenge is made in two versions. One with display included, and a full physical version. 


Colorwise is a project created as a school project in the course User Experience and Prototyping at the IT-University Copenhagen. The project was Read More
