HSIN I KUO's profile

Český Krumlov

The first day in CK.
We took a bus ( student agency ) to get here
On the way from hostel to metro station, we met two guys who want help us carry our luggage.
They seemed drunk, so we talk to them with alarm.
But actually, they were really nice guys who help us a lot.
After hours we arrived CK and, still, tried hard to find our hotel.
The second day in CK.
Few tourists here in the winter.
We took photos everywhere and met three old people on the road.
They asked to take a photo with us.
I love people here, they are so happy and careless, and always smiling.  
The second day in CK.
Walking around everywhere.
Feeling tranquil in this small town.
Though freeze air make the town much more silent in winter,
we still feel warm and content like staying at home.
Good view to take photos!
Sunshine make us warmer and look brighter.
On the way to the castle.
Rainbow color on it.
Good weather but still cold here because we are getting higher and higher.
View inside the castle.
A hallway that you can see a beautiful view of the town from here.
Just like a wonderland.
I once believed that this town is a fairy tale due to its spectacular scenery.
We stay here for a long time. Doing nothing but just looking.
Look at the house covered by a layer of snow, look at the river shining, and look at the blue and pure sky.
Breath deeply and enjoy its  clean and fresh.
Tonight, knocking from our door never stop.
After back to the living place and finishing shower, someone knock the door.
A Korean keep talking in his language just wants to borrow shampoo from us.
After that, door is knocked again, two Korean guys ask us to drink tonight in their room - they also consider us are Korean in the beginning.
So, we join them.
We keep chatting and drinking all night.
They tell us about their trip and we also share ours.
Video which record their tiny funny things in the trip is showed on the wall.
We enjoy talking to them though they are going to leave tomorrow morning.
Actually, we promise to each other that we can meet again in Hallstatt.
However, I remember the wrong time we getting there, so we just miss.
Still happy to make new friends in this small town. 
The third day in CK.
Spending too much days here, and the town is too small.
We feel a little bored, and start to pacing up and down the whole town through every roads and alleys.
Sometimes, we spend hours in cafe and doing nothing.
The forth day in CK.
The last day, we still have nothing to do...
Waiting at the bus station.
Boring as usually, we spend our day in cafe till night.
After getting the bus station, there is still hours to wait.
So we sit on the bench, and sing loudly.
Don't care anyone who pass us.
The memories will always be kept in my heart, I will miss the time we can be together.
How lucky am I to have a friend like you.
Heading to Budapest - such a long way we have to stay in the bus for one day.

Český Krumlov

Český Krumlov

The third stop in Europe A little peaceful town
