The goal of this project was to create a character by combining two completely unrelated things from real life. I tried a number of different approaches but I decided to pursue the idea of a Fire Hydrant - Octopus hybrid.
First I blocked out the model using a fire hydrant image for reference.
Next I fleshed out the fire hydrant model a bit more, and added primitive tentacles.
I then finalized the fire hydrant model, and added a slight tilt to the bottom of it to add a bit of liveliness to the character.
I then created a chain rig by creating a skeleton parented to the chain links and then used an IK handle to curve it. Next, after modeling the tentacle, I rigged it to a linear skeleton controlled by a spline IK handle, which caused the skeleton to be controlled by a NURBS curve.
Finally, I added the chain links, and posed the tentacles in dynamic positions. Then I added materials and portrait-style lighting.
Fire Hydroctopus

Fire Hydroctopus

I made this character in my first semester of my second year of college. The objective of the project was to take two things that could be found Read More
