Matt Sturm's profile

Stock Photography

Stock Photography
Stock images are a great way to have fun and exercise creative discipline. A powerful image can tap into the zeitgeist and become very popular for a while, and it's a thrill to stumble upon your images "in the wild" on products, brochures, and media. My business partner on these images is the photographer and I'm the Photoshop jockey and image designer. We shoot hundreds of frames just to be able to tease out the best ones to combine into composites that tell little stories appealing to designers world-wide. Most of the images are intentionally simple to encourage an art director or designer to inject their own message or spin and make the image their own, and to read quickly when when browsed in a grid of hundreds of other images.

If you like any of these images they are all available for license either directly or through
Every one of these guys is just one goldfish, shot in a little tank, and composited together with other shots of the same fish. This has been a very popular image set on Getty, and one was chosen as the background image for a world-wide webcast to staff and shareholders. I'm particularly happy with the airiness of these images and the otherworldly yet realistic color of the blue "hero" fish.
Our goldfish used by University of Michigan's Ross School of Business.
Two apples, recolored, re-stemmed and rearranged in Photoshop. After the goldfish, perhaps the most popular images we've created. I've seen the lower left image on gift cards, advertisements and at least two very popular book covers.
Two published books with our apples on the cover.
Interesting fact: little yellow ducklings aren't really ducklings, they're goslings (baby geese). Duckling babies are speckled and brown and aren't nearly as photogenic as the yellow gosling. Same process as the goldfish ... we shot a couple of goslings running around and I composited them into the photos you see below.
Tile Layer
From a larger series, the two images below were selected by a designer for the popular Christian rock band, Mercy Me, for use as a songbook cover and a CD cover, reproduced below for comparison with the originals.
French Bulldogs
These charismatic groups of dogs are in reality only two animals, a black and white male and a tan female. I subtly changed the male's markings to give us more variety from shot to shot.
Stock Photography

Stock Photography

Stock photography.
