The Adventures of Ranger Elf
Karen Wilson was bored so she decided to become a superhero. 
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Basically, my mom said lots of weird stuff happens to me and I should make a webcomic about it.  So I did.

Karen Wilson is an aimless 20-something former art student who dons some pointy latex ears one day and declares herself a superhero.  The comic follows her mishaps and awkward encounters as she attempts to find love, a job, and her way in life.  Karen is accompanied on this journey by her imaginary friends, George, Mookie, and Clive.  The cast grows in number and the stories in complexity as the series continues.  Oh yes, I have plans.

I started out doing this comic in Flash and assembling it in Photoshop but have recently been doing a mix of paper and pen drawings and Photoshop.  I like to change up the art style often.
An earlier comic done in Flash.  I used a 'rubber hose' design a lot in the beginning.  Also, I used Comic Sans font.  I was severely chastised for this and will never do it again.
One of my favorites of the series.  There is about an 80% truth factor to all of these comics, by the way.
I really like the look of this one.
A big change in style here to go along with Karen's big change in lifestyle as she moves from the suburbs to The Big City.  This is when I started drawing the comics roughly ballpoint pen on paper, scanning them into and cleaning them up with Photoshop, and using the same program to assemble the images and add text and her hair.
Currently, I'm working on recycled paper.  I love the texture and color so I'm keeping it to denote frames in the comic.
Ranger Elf

Ranger Elf

Karen Wilson was bored so she decided to become a superhero. An ongoing webcomic loosely based off my life.
