The musical animal themed instruments that I named “Stompers” came to be from the fascination of the sounds from the beating of the drums. Drums set the tempo or pace to which music is run by. The faster the tempo the happier the sounds and vice versa for when the sound is slow. Creating this object that sets a tempo by setting peg legs attached to a body, which drums across the surface. You as the user set the pace of the tempo using your hand motions to revolve the object making tapping sounds. These instruments reflect animals as they parade their legs to make sounds for your entertainment. Children would use these instruments as they have fun animals to choose from and variations of noises that come from the legs. They also function as a fidget toy showing repetitive movement. Nothing is more musical than a dancing animal.
Here is the turtle on full prototype form. Put together, sanded, and sprayed. This prototype makes the desired sound I wanted the faster it got the more happy it sounded the sound was more of a galloping sound.
Decided these were going to be a family set of Stompers so I branched off from the turtle to the giraffe and the elephant making their own unique sounds. The giraffes legs were purposely made thin to make a lighter tapping sound while the elephant had more thicker legs making the sound more boomy.  
Their stomps of joy, hopefully more animals can join in on the fun.


Developed a fun musical instruments that take on characteristics of animals for children. Their happy feet are dependent on the user using them.
