Samya Arif's profile

Monad - Taxi Fabric

India & Pakistan. Seperated at birth, siblings who grew up and forgot how much they love each other.
My designs for the incredibly brilliant venture, Taxi Fabric from Mumbai, India. Lots of love and thanks to Sanket Avlani for having me onboard for this crazy fun project, major thanks to Pavithra and Mahak for helping out and finally to my Taxi driver, Satmant Singh, thank you for letting me design your Taxi. Happy Independence days India and Pakistan!
"Today, on Pakistan's Independence Day, we launch our 9th Taxi. This is a big leap in our journey as we collaborate with Samya Arif, a young designer from Karachi, Pakistan. Her design called ‘Monad’ is inspired by our similarities." Samya says, “I was approached by Taxi Fabric to do a design for the upcoming independence days of both India and Pakistan. I based my designs on the idea that Indians and Pakistanis are essentially the same people, coming from similar roots and focusing on our commonalities
and unique characteristics.”
Hymn for the Weekend - Coldplay
My taxi design for Taxi Fabric was selected by the British band, Coldplay to be featured in their 'Hymn for the Weekend' music video, shot in Mumbai, India. 
Chris Martin from Coldplay sitting in the taxi I designed for Taxi Fabric
Press Releases:
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The owner of the taxi, Satmant Singh
Monad - Taxi Fabric

Monad - Taxi Fabric

MONAD: India & Pakistan. Seperated at birth, siblings who grew and forgot how much they love each other. My designs for the incredibly brilliant Read More
