Jennifer Albee's profile

Parking Day 2015, Parklet Design and Book

Parking Day was started in 2005 by a San Francisco company hoping to give urban life more a more natural outlet. Parklettes are small exhibitions set up in parking spots to encourage people to spend less time driving and more time appreciating the things around tham. San Francscio State University has been participating in parking day for many years. 

My team designed, built and hosted a parking day activity focused on environmental and personal wellbeing. We created a modern, Japanese-style inspired parklette that featured babmoo and origami. The concept was to have an interactive booth where students could fold used pieces of paper into origami cranes while we talked to them about other methods of recycling and crafts. Our display was extremely successful in terms of involvement, layout, time managament and we had so much fun!  
Original, 15 minute concept poster for design of project. 
3D design mock-up of display layout. 
Presenting the Charrette to classmates and design professionals
Mini 3d 'white' model of project layout
Miniature cardboard mock-up of oragami paper crane.
Building the stands that held up the 'bamboo'
The final display
Final Presentation Booklet
The booklet folded accordion style to follow suit with the origami theme. On one side was our process and presentation of the project, including pictures. On the other side of the booklet was instructions on how to fold your own origami crane to involve readers who were not able to attend the project on exhibition day .
My group created social media hashtags to spread awareness of our mission. #sfsuorigami and #sfsuparkingday were among those used by students who wanted to share their cranes.
Shout out from an awesome SF Gator who visited our parklet and wanted to share her crane!
Parking Day 2015, Parklet Design and Book

Parking Day 2015, Parklet Design and Book

Design an interactive space about the size of a car that teaches students on campus about an environmentally friendly concept.
