The 21st century has seen mankind's dedication to colonise our solar system, and expand human civilisation beyond our Earth; And our eyes have been particularly aimed at our neighbouring red planet: Mars. After accomplishing the first lunar landing, nations have worked towards putting a human on Mars. Government space organisations like NASA, ESA & ISRO have persisted in their ambitions to further humanity's reach to beyond the Earth.
With that being said, there could be human beings living on Mars in the next century or less. I decided that if that were the case, then these human beings would be citizens of Mars rather Earth; Martians if you will. Ergo I set out to create some identifcation designs as to what I imagine a Martian's passport would like in the forseeable future, along with some possible future predictions regarding passport power for Martians. Enjoy and please appreciate my work!
The Martian(A Twentieth Century FOX Film) is one of many films that have contributed to Mars' identity in today's  popular culture.
Dark red was chosen as a regular citizen's passport colour, as it reflects the visual interpretation of the planet Mars(Officially titled in this instance, as the Galactic Federation of Planet Mars). As for the official emblem of Mars, I decided to combine history and science together to create the current crest of the passport. The two standing soldiers represent Ares/Mars( The Olympian diety who is the namesake of the planet). The three exterior rings symbolise the vast solar system, as well as the shockwaves of Mars' influence on human civilisation. Lastly the small spheric shape in the centre represents Mars itself, sitting in the centre of all the symbolic illustrations. Beneath it all, lies a caption that states in Latin: "In honor of Mars the destroyer".
Martian Passport

Martian Passport

What Martian Passports Would Look Like
