Signs of History
Aotearoa, New Zealand
Leveraging off of the clock faces 12 points, this poster solely using visual signs communicates a journey through some of the highlights of New Zealand's history. Including the first settlement from that of both wildlife, Pacific/Maori peoples, and the subsequent discovery/colonisation by the Europeans in the early/middle years of the nineteenth century.  The hours three to six o'clock represent the rapid agricultural, industrial, domestic, and parliamentary development, advancements, and acceptance within social culture. Seven and eight o'clock would be darker times with the countries involvement in both the world wars and the advent of industrial strife including striking dock workers, race relations, and changes to European export markets. Nine and ten brought about a more confident and assured national identity including newly discovered trading allies, New Zealand art and craft, and kiwana identity. Finally, the subsequent journey towards the eleventh hour brings both questions and space in order for the next chapter/s to be written...   

The poster is a collection of images sourced from the TVNZ publication/series 'Frontier of Dreams' and also a self produced series of collages and original work featuring various images, textures, and original works.
Visual History