Muso is a concept for a music collaboration tool, designed to help music enthusiasts work together; to learn, to grow, to publish, and to create. A pre-production app to help them achieve more with the time they have to create music.
This is a case study created at a UX bootcamp with General Assembly at "Second Home London", which included:
Designing and conducting user interviews, & surveys.
Identifying the primary user flow and task scenario for testing
Rapid Low-fidelity prototyping.
User testing and guerrilla testing.   
Creating Problem Statements, Personas, User Stories,
Sketching System Maps, Flow Diagrams, Concept Maps, and User Flows 
Project quote: "Be creative, anytime."

For Case study purposes we have looked at mobile app first, although it's intended for more use on desktop.
The problem: During user interviews I discovered that the user liked to make music and be creative, but only had a limited amount of time to work on their passion, and wasn't able to achieve as might as they would like. Therefore I suggested a collaboration tool, pre-production where users could unite to create a finished piece. This project is a UX study aimed to work on a solution to the users needs.
Concept Map
Mapping -  Concept Maps
User personas, and stories from interviews and surveys.
Low-fidelity rapid prototype / primary screens sketch / wireframes / wireflows
Low-fidelity rapid prototype 
Low-fidelity rapid prototype 
User testing, and feedback
Wireframes for further testing
First Graphic concepts & protype
Muso UX

Muso UX

Muso is a concept for a music collaboration tool.
