My dealings with singleness do not necessarily encompass celibacy or void of a romantic relationship, but includes voids in friendships, and my imagination of the future, alone (as I am now entering a very independent stage of life). These paintings portray feels of separation in some way, or symbolize a reflection back to memory when I wasn’t alone, though in the present I am. Some are of landscapes and spaces where I am either portrayed to be excluded from, or not present entirely.
            My intent is not to romanticize loneliness, because I do not feel there is anything romantic about being disconnected from other people. I wish instead to illuminate some thoughts or memories from the past and places I’ve been, either in reality or in dream, and record my reflections on them. Sometimes it’s dismal, because in some way there is a void or disconnection present. But sometimes being alone allows me to connect in other ways to other things (such as my environment). The future, though hazy and seemingly at a far distance, can then seem very peaceful and beautiful. This then became something to look forward to, even though it will eventually be endeavored alone.
Looking for God
Our Peaceful Disunion
My Old Crowd.
Erasing My Memory
It's Gone Now. 
My Boat Sinks on Whatever Side I Sit, but it Still Works.


The future, though hazy and seemingly at a far distance, can then seem very peaceful and beautiful. This then became something to look forward to Read More
