Nylon Social/Fashion mobile app
Client: Nylon

Idea: Women always want to look good and share their outfit with friends.

Objective: Create a platform to share their closet and outfits.

Target: 15- 30 year old women who always want to be on trend.

Media: Mobile app and social media: Pinterest and Facebook.

Once the app is downloaded it asks for a brief registration to store the user’s style, favorite designers and brands. Also, you add your best friends to connect.

Trend Buzz has four main section: my runway, (calender to track outfits according to the schedule, weather and user’s mood) my closet, (stores the user’s clothes and their friends) my buzz, (customized news about sales and upcoming events about the user’s favorite designers).
Mobile app Loading page.
Mobile app Home page: notification about your friends' activity and access to my closet, my runway and my buzz.
My closet: stores your closet and connect to your friends'.
My runway: planner to get perfect outfit according to your events.
After setting the event you input your mood and tag a friend who's attending with you.
Finally the app provides an outfit for the occasion. This could be mix & math with your friends' closet or with stores' new collection. Also, the outfit could be share through Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter
My buzz: keeps you update with your favorite designers and stores events. This can be added to your runway (calender) or share through Facebook.
Social Media: Nylon Pinterest profile will provide boards with outfits according to different events.


fashion mobile app.
