The Artist Book brief required the creation of narrative piece that is based around the lyrics of a chosen song, Wish you Were Here by Pink Floyd. This song was selected as it resonates with me personally and the composition captures my interpretation, reflecting my visual passions and abilities.

To me, this song provoked one question, what is right or wrong? Most of us have grown up in a world where right and wrong were more or less black and white. However in todays environment the lines seem to have blurred. We are continually subjected to reports of crime, corruption, confinement and war. Are we necessarily seeing an unbiased perspective? Who gets to decide what is good or bad; what is right or wr ong? What makes the person next to you right? This composition aims to capture these questions with contradicting visuals, playing on the push pull, black or white, good or bad concepts. It aims to subtly ask the viewers to take a moment to question their own beliefs. It isn’t necessarily what you might perceive, Wish you Were Here leaves a lingering question in the viewers mind - What is good and what is bad?
Artist Book

Artist Book

Artist Book
