Portraits by Pestilence
A selection of portraits
A selection of pencil and watercolour portraits, personal and of some well known studies!
Bobby Elvis from the television series Sons of Anarchy - actor Mark Boone Junior
I drew this as I liked the various shades of black and grey on his leather waistcoat.
Chibbs from the television series Sons of Anarchy
I liked the interplay of hair on this and the transparancy of the sunglasses.
"Lucy and Jasmine"
A watercolour painting of my own grandmother.
"Uncle Tom"
A pencil drawing of one no longer with us.
"1950's Pin-Up"
Pencil drawing, I loved the various shades and transparency on this one!


A selection of watercolour and pencil portraits - the Sons of Anarchy drawings are open to offers for sale, as am I to commissions.


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