Kid Solomon Series: [1/4] "Solomon The Aviator"
Solomon dreamed of being able to soar into the skies with no one to stand in his way. The helmet protects him from all negativity.The magical wings on his helmet are the source of unleashing his full potential
Kid Solomon Series: [2/4]
"Solomon The Sea Dweller"

Solomon unknowingly sinks into an abyss full of doubt swimming for answers. Despite being nearly consumed by depression, he still remains calm which a light of hope guides him through his ordeals.

Kid Solomon Series: [3/4]
"Solomon The Ditch Digger"

Solomon keeps his fear buried deep within to the point where the idea of death doesn't phase him . However, his nightmares that involve death causes different traits of his fear (anger, anxiety, & guilt) to take life & dig up Solomon's bad memories which explains his color. Also the skulls chained around his hat are from near-death experiences.
Kid Solomon Series: [4/4]
"Solomon The Prototype"

Solomon believes that he can achieve the impossible when he puts his mind to it. In this final dream state he throws away all emotional inputs & instead uses his mind to achieve perfection even if this means he has to lose some circuits or loose a few screws in the process.

The original doodle of Kid Solomon.
Kid Solomon series

Kid Solomon series

A series of pieces under a old doodle called "Kid Solomon". Something I've been wanting to do for a while..
