Challenge | Pepto-Bismol, an over the counter drug designed to combat stomach problems has existed in the stomach remedy market for well over a century. Since then, many brand extensions and new products have been created, eliminating Pepto-Bismol at the top of consumer’s minds and forcing sales to drop.
Metrics | Over the last couple of years, Pepto-Bismol has gained 0.7 share points across all channels. We are looking to successfully accomplish a 5% increase in store sales and store orders.
Audience | 30 to 45 year old male and female socialites who depict themselves through their crave for adventure and taste for culture. While being a foodie to them results in the occasional Food Network viewings and sumptuous looking magazines, these explorers live for indulging. Their belief in feeling full during a meal is non-existent until the complaints of their stomach come alive minutes after, resulting in discomfort. While the pleasure of indulging is enough to satisfy any mood they are in, being uncomfortable is something this demographic has a difficult time dealing with. 
Brand Essence | Pepto-Bismol is the friend that always has your back even in the worst situations. It doesn’t make you uncomfortable but allows you to always enjoy yourself. It keeps you from getting into shitty situations and is the Jackie Chan to all stomach problems. 
Mandatories | Print (Men's Health, Women's Health, Backpacker), Transit (Across all major subway stations), Food Network Website Takeover. 
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Food Network Takeover | Due to the love for food that our target has, occasional Food Network viewings are a part of their weekly interests, constantly keeping themselves updated on the latest yummy recipes. In doing so, we chose to do takeover three parts of the webiste. Shown in the first image below, once the viewer enters the site, they will be introduced with a banner ad to the right of page saying "There's only one thing that gets it all..."  
As the viewer clicks on a recipe that interests them, once they are brought to the page, only half of the recipe will actually be displayed while another banner ad to the right will be presented to them - "WAIT, MISSING part of the recipe? Press control A."


Reminding consumers of the multi purpose product, Pepto-Bismol.
