Yaroslav Kovalchuk's profile

Meat Roastery&The Roastery by Odessa(Loft)

Project name: The Roastery by Odessa / Meat Roastery
location: Odessa/Ukraine
My first site visit gave me an understanding that "architectural reanimation" has to take place. It was almost too late. Construction was executed without project or even sketches.
 Technically we were hired to design a coffee house, however later in to the project we have introduced "mixed use" commercial concept. (It is a coffee house in the morning, restaurant in evenings and party bar later at night). Economically the "mix use" concept has hit the spot and “Roastery” was making profit from day one.
Design idea and concept:
There was a number of restriction and clients were low on budget what made us come up with rules for this project.
1.      Low tech - everything has to be simple enough to be able to build it on site!
2.      Form follows function (constructivist memorandum)
3.      Build in three stages, each stage have to be fully functional.
4.      Natural materials only (wood, black metal, glass, stone) this rule comes from understanding that tactile feeling is highly important for a restaurant or coffee house interior. Wooden or aged metal finish provide huge amount of tactile information for visitors. Aged finish could give history to an interior piece, transforming interior in to theatrical stage rather than cafeteria.
It was fun working on this project never mined tight schedule and low budget. Final result is a financially successful award winning commercial design project.
Thank you for reading.
Please follow us on behance and facebook.  
Meat Roastery&The Roastery by Odessa(Loft)


Meat Roastery&The Roastery by Odessa(Loft)

