During the third year of the University course i have partecipated in a one week workshop with the italian brewery Baladin. It was originally created in 1996 as a brewpub (production and bar) in Piozzo - a small village in the Langhe area in the province of Cuneo - by its founder and master brewer Teo Musso.
He asked us to create an original concept for a corkscrew, following the Baladin brand headlines.

My teammates and I decided to use waste materials that comes from the beer production for create the corkscrew, in particular wood from the beer casks, and guitar broken strings from the music school owned by Teo Musso. The concept is a strong innovative corkscrew that follows the Baladin brand headlines, add a new move for open the bottles and also sing when the bottle is opened.
It was really well valued by Teo Musso himself and cited in the design magazine "Graphicus", link below:

http://www.graphicusmag.it/archivio/GRAPHICUS_1073_0005.pdf     Page 13
In the images is rappresented only a prototype.
Baladin Workshop

Baladin Workshop

Innovative concept for a corkscrew ideate for Baladin brewery during their workshop


Creative Fields