HTML5 mockups of popular devices,
to showcase your portfolio
and spice up your website.
Featured by:
- Smashing Magazine
- CoDrops
- Hacker News @YCombinator
- Noupe
and many designer blogs
Used by a Yahoo team
and wordpress themes (Themeton)
Use on...
Your website / splash screen
-Displaying photos
-Displaying screenshots of your app(s)
-Displaying reference works / illustrations
-Displaying a content rotator / slideshow
-Embedding a JavaScript app inside the device
-Embedding a YouTube video
-Looks cool
-Attracts customers
-Makes your site look professional
-Give people the idea that your app/site works on mobile
-Give the impression that your illustrations are meant for web/mobile
L-ots of screenshots in just one "device"
-Maintains the device's aspect ratio when scaled
-Perfectly aligned screen content containers
-Some devices have "home button" layer defined for possible click event bindings
-Lengthy gallery of different devices
-Multiple color schemes
-Multiple orientations
-Two separate ways for integrating the devices to your site
download it and use it as you see fit.


HTML5 mockups of popular devices, to showcase your portfolio and spice up your website
