The Spirit of Tahiti
The earthly delights, forbidden pleasures, mysterious legends and tropical beauty of Tahiti all come together in this premium coconut rum. Tahiti has converted devout missionaries, transformed eel-gods into coconut trees and distilled the freshness of coconut into the spirit of rum. Called the Tree of Life, coconut is the food of the gods and the soul of the South Seas–a taste of paradise itself. We elevated this taste to a higher art that is a toast to the easy, free, open life on the islands. In collaboration with creative strategist and copywriter Julie Kucinski, we developed several names, brand stories, and packaging concepts for this untamed coconut rum.
Tahiti Rum

Tahiti Rum

The earthly delights, forbidden pleasures, mysterious legends and tropical beauty of Tahiti all come together in this premium coconut rum. Tahiti Read More
