A Fuga.
A fuga was the final project of my graduation.
The HIstory of the animation A Fuga.
One morning you hear a sinister environment, a conversation about buying two passages from Syria to Italy, where he also observed the exchange of a large amount of money.
A partition without some conditions, a father (Tariq) takes the journey of luggage and beckons your child to be quiet. With care and attention, check if it is not someone nearby and they went their way. But the sound of a bottle draws the attention of the soldiers begin to run after them. Abu Tariq and start running to the van. Almost no reaction time, Tariq can pass your child to someone who is inside the van when it begins hearing shots.
Tariq tries to climb in the truck when it hit and ends up crashing to the ground.
My first task in the project was to create the father concepts.
I made them in digital because i was taking a lot of time by making them in papper.
i used always the same head shape to create Tariq. I made a face that looked perfect for the character.
Here we have some facial expressions of Tariq. I had the idea to make them in the shape manager in XSI.
Here i have the concepts of the clothes.
In this case, the clothes deffine the character personality.
The choosed character by the work group and the teacher's.
Scenery of the animation created by me.
I gave some more light in this image so you could visualize better the details and the objects.
This scenario wasn´t the first one I made for this animation, the other that I made wasn't accepted by the group, because some of the details were too high for the camera view.
To make the ilumination i used physical sky's and physical sun, to give a more realistic look.
A Fuga

A Fuga

Final Project of the graduation in ESTG (Portalegre) Portugal
