This project was made in collaboration with as part of my and my group's final exam during our undergraduate education. The purpose was to adapt WebHouse's current website to a more modern approach. Adding to this, a campaign was created and planned out to be launched to hightend WebHouse's CSR and to support local entrepreneurs in Aalborg.

The project team consisted of myself and three other students

My contribution was mainly with the research to knowledge, target group analysiscommunication planning, the campaign planning and creating the graphics for the campaign and contact page, however everyone had an insight in every process.

Under here is a draft of visually documented parts of the process during the project work.
There were firstly a lot of research to go into, learning about the client as well as about the users. It was also crucial to figure out to which extend we could work within this project. 
Analysises were made on the client and user research were performed as well to get a better picture on both sides.
Having clarified the business objectives and the target group, with their needs, behaviors and opinions, two personaes were created in order to put a face of one of the users we were creating for. Extending to this, the concept was starting to gather. A new website and a campaign would be planned out.
To get an idea of the necessary content and functionalities, specifications were made on both to in order to know what should be in the solution, what shouldn't and how important some would be as not everything could be included within the short life cycle of the project.
Users should be able to perform some tasks and as such two flowcharts were made to ensure how every outcome of those actions can be resolved.
Here are all the wireframes for the solution in its desktop version.
The solution ought to be responsive and as such wireframes for mobile were also created.
These became the mockups that would be translated into code for the website, containing both information on the company and the campaign.


This project was made in collaboration with WebHouse as part of my exam for Multimedia Design and Communication on UCN, Denmark.
