Sometimes a project prompt doesn't matter as much as the final piece, I think this is one of those times. Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and self-control are some of the best things about life and most admirable traits that we should desire. So often in this world, hate, sorrow and fear get the best of us. This piece is a reminder to choose love, choose the good stuff in life over the negativity that holds us back. 
And, if you still want to know the prompt that brought this project up, see below.
Sketch process:
The prompt for this project was to: Create a piece that is void of emotion. I was stumped for a while, but I tried to look at it differently. Since emotion is a huge part of my work (and most people's, I'm sure), I thought I'd go directly to those emotions. Anyway, I decided to take it literally and so words in the piece are all emotions and I had them cut out of plexiglass so the emotions are literally voids.
Final piece is 12x24 inches. I had the background image printed on a thin film and affixed to a piece of quarter inch plexiglass and the script lettering was cut out with a CNC router. Then the small lettering was cut out of vinyl. This piece was fabricated by Brix Design in Pensacola, Florida.


Lettering and final carved plexiglass piece about positive over negative emotions.
