Kol Haolam Kulo means "the whole world" in Hebrew and is the title of a hassidic piece by Rabbi Nachman of Breslav that says: 
"The whole world is a narrow bridge but the most important is not to be afraid" which can be understood as even if something is scary, you have to keep going.
This is a time of transitions, a time when losses are so big that it feels like you cannot go on, when the pain is paralyzing and putting the world into a very narrow place. Nevertheless, you have to go on and not give up. There are ways to do it, and you are not required to do it alone, even if the pain you feel cannot be shared. Others can be compassionate and accepting, and creativity is here to remind you that you are still breathing and giving something to the world. That energy is still here, and even if you do not know everything, nothing ever is completely lost to you. Accept to transform the pain.
Photo free of copyright by @Ryan McGuire ~ http://www.laughandpee.com/


Documenting a process
