This is a peice I created upon hearing that Unreal Tournament would be an openly developed game. I tried to combine the dystopian steampunk design of UT99 and add a more modern feel. I decided to go for the traditional modern warefare style that has oversaturated a decade of games with a steampunk and flashing lights. 
Quite an old peace from when I was experimenting heavily with messy line placement. For years on my art course I was told messy lines would get your work torn up. I felt a little liberated by the fact I no longer had to do this. I felt at the time and still do, that the chaotic placement of lines really translates across the grizzlyness and unpredictabilty of wat and the human condition. 
Messy line placement lead to minimalictic design, I wanted to see how far I could push an image with it still looking mwnacing. I couldhave pushed this futher but this peice does enhance the idea of camoflauge. 
These are designs I did for a friends minatures company. The Dwarf on the left is based on a mixture of norse and middle eastern culture. The Dwarf of the right is based on greek mythology and roman armour. 
The second designs went a little more european medievil, both are armed with crank crossbows. 
Beleve it or not, this design was created before anyone had even heard of Destiny. I was trying to think up cool concepts for a new Unreal Tournament game. 
This was another design I did based off of UT99, this mercinary is armed with one deadly scarf. 
Christmas day is a weird one, I was drunk when I drew this. 
This was a random sktech I did when I was experimenting with drawing silhoettes then added white to them. 
This peace was done to experiment with different brushes with varying sizes and bristle spacings. 
This is an unfinished peice I desided to start inbetween playing Skyrim, that kind of explains why it's unfinished. I chose to include this is my collection because it shows my process.
Guns and Grunts

Guns and Grunts

This is a collection of my more war related pieces. Enjoy.
