These minimal, clean-cut characters are perfect for handling small jobs around your desk.
Just take a look at their resume: They are convenient, efficient, and have a high degree of motivation.
The Little Interns are prepared for any task you throw at them - except for remembering how you take your coffee.
My focus in the Little Interns started on a post-it holder.
The Postman holds the momentum of your collaboration. The Postman stores Post-its, paper clips, and other small desk objects.
Keeping your desk free of small clutter is the Postman's responsibility.
Little Interns was launched in January at the Pure Talents exhibit at the IMM-Cologne 2015. The line has recieved positive attention, and is currently being prepared for mass production through injection molding.
Little Interns

Little Interns

Little Interns is a group of characters committed to aiding in all the small tasks around your desk. Little Interns is currently a work in progre Read More
