Refabricating Detroit

Refab Detroit was the final studio project for Design VIII. The purpose of the project was to restore an abandoned building within a city of our choice into a multi-purpose building consisting of residential and manufacturing program. The group discovered the abandoned Roberts Brass Works in Detroit. Being in Detroit, we decided it would be a good opportunity to create a public workshop that allowed the public a work space for restoring their own homes. The program also includes a research and development company that focuses on testing new materials from companies such as DuPont for new wall systems. 
Old advertisement of Roberts Brass Works
Exsisting front faced along Fort Street
Exsisting interior courtyard conditions
Exsisting conditions of the southern wing that is planned for residential program
Programatic diagram of the design
Conceptual massing model showing program location
1/2" section model showing residential wing
Refabricating Detroit

Refabricating Detroit

A refurbishing of an abandoned building in Detroit for Design VIII
