Marko Fuček's profile

App Start Contest 2014 (student project)

App Start Contest (ASC) is a student competition in development of a mobile or a web based application.
It is organised by eStudent, a non profit student organisation. During 2014 i was still part of eStudent, where i worked as a graphic designer.
My team (Visual guys in the organization) got the task of making visuals for the promotion of the competition, together with the bunch of other good people.
It's all about teams and competition. So i decided to represent teams with a racing spaceship.
Developing app or web that suits as much platforms (devices) as posible is represented with mobile field through wich spaceships are racing.  That "mobile" field was not just mobiles phones but segments of code, scripts etc..
There was even a game involved and a giant cardboard phone.
first idea for a spaceship was a space VW van, but later i realised that my 3d modeling skills sucked and i could not model something complex as that. And then there was that DEADLINE :)....
mobile field (astro field)
I modeled ships in Maya. Considering the deadline, and my poor modeling skills a the time :P , this was the model i came up with (for the space van-ship).
Ships were rendered with toon render. They look like power rangers, don't they :D ?
mobile field, also maya and toon render
composition , illustrator
composition , illustrator
composition , illustrator
this went in to print
b2 poster
this is fb cover for ASC page
this one i modeled sometime after the dead line, but since i have aplied myself to competition , person in charge of ASC project request me to resign from it cuz i could not compete and still do the organization things at same competition. It was not ok toward the other people. So this space ship never saw the light.
App Start Contest 2014 (student project)

App Start Contest 2014 (student project)

Visuals for promotion of App Start Contest (contest in wich teams compete in development of mobile and web apps). Organized by non profit student Read More
