Personal Tax Account
The Personal Tax Account is a service which will be released in 2017/2018.

The objective is to give users an holistic view of their tax situation.

HMRC typically deals in linear processes - form filling. This concept was part of an early phase to help us bottom out the way that users relate to their own lives: My savings; my future; my family; my income; etc. Each of these areas has a tax relaitonship and the intention was to move HMRC away from pulling usrs into their own processes, instead mapping the tax implications and opportunities to the way users frame their own lives.

This concept was developed in early 2015 and remains as a conceptual blueprint for designers and developers in terms of understanding how this service needs to be significantly different to other HMRC services.
Trusted Helper
I inherrited a project to allow people to get help from close friends/relatives across all tax services. When I came into the project it was a registration process that was gradually being stuffed with features and was breaking both conceptually and in reality.

I redesigned the solution to underpin the relationship between users through a common 'activity centre' interface.  The above high level solution map serves to demonstrate how the project was like a mini community site which needed to cement the relationship between user and helper and also provide a scalable platform for the product.
One of the more complex challenges for the trusted helper was where helpers may have a right to help but might not be necessarily trusted. For example, with Tax Free Childcare, estranged parents may have a right to see and adapt their own child's allowances, but not those of half-siblings. Similarly there may be a need to prevent the same sorts of people from viewing information where court orders are in place. This is further complicated by a situation with multiple stakeholder users and potentially all having helpers. I developed above solution, in the form of a venn diagram, to show how these relationships could be managed, across  complex relationships,  using tagging to provide dynamic views of complex data across complex relationships.
HMRC - 2015

HMRC - 2015

HMRC work 2015


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