Amy Vaughan's profile

SOCIAL | Downy #ManSwaddle

Our Always On team concepted and created a fun weather and fabric relevent post about how to #ManSwaddle yourself in softness. After some record breaking cold and smart targeting within Twitter, this post has quickly become THE MOST sucecssful Downy tweet to date that was not tied to a sporting or TV event--with 2,800+ retweets and 6,000+ favorites and an egagement rate of over 14%. 
P.S. From concept to live date was approximately 72 hours.
Role: Original concept, creative direction, copywriting 
We created two sets of visuals and copy for the Tweets and optimized based on the level of engagement. We learned that the infographic was perforting 10x better than the image - so we then shifted our dollars to the better performing post. 
One of the best parts, without us even asking -- follwers began to swaddle themselves and share the content! 
SOCIAL | Downy #ManSwaddle

SOCIAL | Downy #ManSwaddle

Our team created internet gold with the well-timed and witty #ManSwaddle infographic that quickly become one of the most successful tweets ever f Read More
