
There are a few physiological patterns that can happen in the body to cause a miscarriage. Although people don't often talk about it, it is very common. Sadly, there is not a lot of support out there for women unless you have had 3 miscarriages and even after that the support is fairly minimal. Traditional Chinese Medicine is a safe and effective alternative to support you and your body.

A Chinese Medicine View
There are two more common differentiations found with miscarriages in Traditional Chinese Medicine. One being that once the sperm and the egg fertilize to form an embryo the cells begin to divide and for some reason they become abnormal, the body recognizes this and releases it. This in Chinese medicine we view as a follicular pattern, Kidney essence deficiency and will want to treat you prior to conceiving to help nourish your body to produce quality follicles. The second differentiation being a deficiency in Kidney yang where the body could not maintain the pregnancy but the embryo was normal. Often this is seen with a short luteal phase, low progesterone values or spotting after ovulation and before menstruation. Treating this pattern, often you'll be seen and supported with Acupuncture for the entire first trimester.
For more of an explanation on Follicular and Luteal Phases with Kidney Yin and Yang go to Fertility.

Treating with Traditional Chinese Medicine
Upon your first visit a thorough intake with be done to asses what is out of balance and can be treated within your body. After a differentiation has been made, a treatment plan will be given. For some women it will be recommended to do weekly visits until conception, others will be advised to come once they have conceived until they are 12 weeks, and some will be encouraged to do both.
In practice I have seen astounding results. Ranging from women with one miscarriage, normal cycles and no known reason as to why they had a loss, to women with multiple miscarriages presenting with the exact same pattern over a span of years, where western treatment had nothing left to offer them. In a multitude of patterns with Acupuncture and herbal treatments many women go on to have uncomplicated healthy pregnancies and healthy babies.

Alongside helping to maintain pregnancy during the first trimester, Acupuncture is a wonderful tool to help relieve some of the common pregnancy induced symptoms such as:
  • nausea / vomiting
  • fatigue
  • constipation
  • insomnia
  • headaches
  • congestion
  • heart burn
  • muscle pain

When to get treatment
It is best to book in for an initial consultation so a treatment plan can be made specific to you and your body. There is no time that is too soon. If you've just had a miscarriage, Acupuncture can help regulate your body and support you while your hormones balance out. If you've just found out your pregnant, book in at your earliest convenience to get support with Acupuncture for your first trimester. If you're ready to start trying again, depending on what your history is, Acupuncture can help balance out your cycle if needed and nourish your body to increase follicular quality, thus creating a healthy embryo.


Treating Miscarriage with Traditional Chinese Medicine
