Hi Everyone! This project is dedicated to my hedgehog, Toge. My main goal was to take a picture of him every month after I gave him a bath up until he grew into a year old with me. This project was supposed to be longer but due to uncertain circumstances, Toge passed away. It was really fun being with him. 3 months may not be that long but Those moments were worh to keep in my entire life.
This was Toge's first photoshoot I had with him. He was 4 month old back then.
This was Toge's first bath. 4 months old.
This was his Second Bath. 5 months old.
And this was his third and final bath, 6 months old. After 3 days, he suddenly pased away. It was heart breaking and sudden. My mind was filled with guilt." What did I do wrong?Are my efforts not enough?" Sadly, I din't know the reason behind his death, There are no near vetrenaries that can do necropsy to him. It was painful and sad. It is really hard to move on.
"I hate my human."
Toge cannot be replaced by anyone. Love your pets, unconditionally. Give time to them even just 5-10 minutes a day. Because those little things are the most important thing when we bond with others. Thank you guys for visiting and supporting Toge.


A memorial for my pet Hedgehog, Toge.


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