Helping Haiti
Marketing - Making a Difference
I created this campaign for my marketing class my junior year at St. John's University. This marketing initiative is what St. John's would term as "Service Learning" which is in essence an opportunity to take everything learned from a student's field of study and incorporate it in a humanitarian effort.
This "Helping Haiti" logo was my portion of a larger group effort to draw attention to the plight of suffering  survivors
of the January 12, 2010 earthquake.

The goal of this logo is to create a subconscious resemblance to the St. John's University's shield in the mind of the viewer aligning the victims interests with our own.
Here is the St. John's University logo for a comparison.
Service Learning

Service Learning

Part of a St. John's University "Service Learning" experience designed to bring awareness to the plight of victims of the January 12th, 2010 eart Read More
